In this example, we will get the seeding for a given phase. To adjust phase seeding, please see phase seeding mutation.
Example #1 (1v1)
- Request
- Response
query PhaseSeeds($phaseId: ID!, $page: Int!, $perPage: Int!) {phase(id:$phaseId) {idseeds(query: {page: $pageperPage: $perPage}){pageInfo {totaltotalPages}nodes {idseedNumentrant {idparticipants {idgamerTag}}}}}},{"phaseId": 270520,"page": 1,"perPage": 2}
Example #2 (Teams Event)
Note that if you are using a teams event, then you will want to request the name of the entrant itself (ie the team name). The participants for the entrant will include all players on the roster.
- Request
- Response
query PhaseSeeds($phaseId: ID!, $page: Int!, $perPage: Int!) {phase(id: $phaseId) {idseeds(query: {page: $pageperPage: $perPage}) {pageInfo {totaltotalPages}nodes {idseedNumentrant {idnameparticipants {idgamerTag}}}}}},{"phaseId": 125685,"page": 1,"perPage": 2}