OAuth Overview

What is OAuth?

The OAuth 2.0 flow enables developers to create applications that utilize personal data from start.gg. This allows for far more powerful integrations than using a public access token- users can access and modify their own personal data.

Currently start.gg only supports the authorization code grant flow and refresh token.

I would recommend becoming familiar with the various OAuth concepts such as resource owner, authorization server, and client before moving on. There are many resources available on the web for learning these, and this blog post gives a good overview for beginners.

Click here for the official OAuth 2.0 specification

How do I use OAuth?

The first step is to create an OAuth application via the start.gg developer portal

Authorization code flow

The authorization code grant flow is a quick 5 step process:

  1. Client redirects resource owner to start.gg authorization url.
  2. Resource owner signs in with start.gg
  3. Resource owner approves token usage and scopes.
  4. start.gg sends an authorization code to application's redirect_uri.
  5. Application server sends this code to start.gg's token url in exchange for an access token.

Example authorization url:


There is a tool in your application's settings that will generate this url for you. The required query params for this url are:

response_type: Must be code

client_id: The ID of your application, can be found in the application settings page.

scope: A list of scopes separated by URL encoded space characters (%20)

redirect_uri: This is where the resource owner gets redirected to during step 4 above. The authorization code is included as the query parameter code

\ \ Example redirect url:


This endpoint is responsible for sending a POST request to start.gg's token url: api.start.gg/oauth/access_token

The following parameters must be sent with a application/json Content Type header:

grant_type: must be authorization_code.

client_secret: The secret for application, can be found in the application settings page.

code: The code that was sent as a query parameter during the redirect.

scope: List of scopes separated by a space.

client_id: The same client id from before.

redirect_uri: The same redirect uri from before.

\ \ Example access token response:

"access_token": "4eeFpL20Adsbf6h12sd8mdfwEzF",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 604800,
"refresh_token": "d8md12s4eeAdsbf6fwEzF0hFpL2"

This access token allows you to make API calls from your application on behalf of this user, restricted to the scopes that were approved.

Refresh token

This access token will expire in expires_in seconds, so you can use the refresh_token to obtain a new access token before the user's access expires.

To refresh a token, send a POST request to start.gg's refresh token url: api.start.gg/oauth/refresh

The following parameters must be sent with a application/json Content Type header:

grant_type: must be refresh_token.

refresh_token: The refresh token that was given previously.

scope: The same scopes as before.

client_id: The same client id from before.

client_secret: The same client secret from before.

redirect_uri: The same redirect uri from before.